Sunday, 18 May 2008

Ends And Beginnings

Having entered into the public milieu of opinions that is blogging I now have to figure out whether I have anything to say. However I think I'll let the music speak for itself and add a couple of tracks that have suited the end-of-university buzz.

Had a lot of fun dancing to Hervé remixes last night once we hijacked the speaker system and wouldn't let anyone else close enough to put on anything else, and as ever we started with The Salmon Dance Remix (originally by The Chemical Brothers). I wish there were decks at that house party; if there were the dancing wouldn't have stopped til morning.

The Chemical Brothers - The Salmon Dance (Hervé Remix)

Happy summer! Now to go and find a job til September :)

1 comment:

Milo_Myage said...

Cool another blog for me to read, fun times! I got the Ting Tings album a few days ago, that girls got an infectious attitude.

Oh and here's a present for ya, Dan Le Sac Vs. Scroobius Pip - 'Look For The Woman(Fake Blood Mix)'. Me likee lots.